Friday, December 20, 2013


Last nights game was in a word FANTASTIC!!   This was the second time we met up with the Saints in the regular season and this one counted for points.  The last time we met up with Spruce Grove we SHOCKED them with a brutal 6-0 win.   This was a stunner for sure as this team was made up of the best 98 and 99 girls in the zone.

This time around we knew that they wanted some payback for that loss.  What team wouldn't?  That's part of competitive sport and any team that was beat badly in a previous meeting would want to win and show the oppponent a thing or two.

As fate would have it though last night this would not be the fact.  Our girls came to the game with a determination and desire to win after the last couple games. They showed our opponents that we mean business and ARE NOT a one time fluke with another crushing victory of 5-2!

So far this season Spruce Grove sits at the top of the pool and we are the ONLY team in the league as of this writing to beat this team.   I've said it before, our team is only a few months into U16 for the first time and we are showing the older teams a thing or two, being competitive and WINNING games.

It just goes to show that when our team brings their A game anything is possible.  This was also with 5 GIRLS out of the line up due to injuries and sickness.  WAY TO GO TEAM! Currently we are sitting in second place in the entire Tier 2/3 division.  An AWESOME achievement for the youngest team in the division.

Next up is the CMSA Winter Classic.  We are looking forward to playing some hard teams in this tournament to help bring our game to new levels of excellence.

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