Sunday, September 29, 2013


We had our first game tonight and boy it was a doozy!   The second year U16 girls team came to Mill Woods and we had a fun filled game to help shake the cobwebs off.  As usual the first game of the season is always an eye opener and this game was no exception.

In the first half of the game SG really came out strong and this surprised the girls with the speed and aggression.  It was certainly time to get back into indoor form.  The second half of the game was another story however.  In true Selects fashion we battled back and actually out played the SG team in the second.

It really was a GREAT game for both teams and certainly what everyone needed to get back into form.

Many thanks to the Spruce Grove coaches and team.  As always we find that Spruce Grove teams are excellent competitors and good sports.  Thanks for hanging out with us today.

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